Friday, March 26, 2010

Facebook status and comments

We like to have fun. We don’t take things too seriously … or do we???

One of my high school FB buddies was stressing over a chemistry test and let the whole world know about it. I thought I’d bring some levity to the situation. Apparently I did.

BTW … my Facebook friends policy is - I don’t accept any HS undergraduates unless I know their parents.

Christine Mesecher wrote …

if I don't get an A on this chem test, I will be eternally pissed!

Mike Rine commented …

Dear Lord ...

Please help Christine get an A on "this chem test."

Not for HER sake, but for the REST of human kind, her brother, her family, and all those she will meet along the way. And especially for her future husband (whomever he might be).

"Eternally pissed" is such a LONNNNNNNNNG time and, speaking for the male half of the world, not something we'd like to endure.

Lord. if you grant this prayer, I promise to never again pray for your help with a Texans game or the Astros season.


Shalom and Amen

PS Lord ... Christine did give up swearing for Lent, so one could only imagine what "eternally pissed" might have been had this test been after Easter.

Raul Lopez commented …

AMEN!!! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Christine Mesecher commented …

wow Mr. Rine hahahahahaha

you definitely just made my day 100% better!!

I haven't laughed that much in a LONGGG time.

but you're right, if I don't get an A on this test my "future husband" (AKA Gerard Butler)

will have to put up with an “eternally pissed Christine” for the rest of his life


Thursday, March 18, 2010

so surreal

I made my post about Craig Dix for St Patrick's Day ... a remembrance to the 29th anniversary of his mission in Cambodia.

In the Houston area this week is a group of aircraft from The Collings Foundation.

I had planned to go see the planes at Ellington Field on Wednesday, but my schedule was changed because of a funeral in the family. I'll instead go see them Saturday or Sunday when they are in Sugar Land. Maybe even get there on Friday to watch them land ... ??? .. or to the HEA to see them take-off??? We'll see how the schedule plays out.

But here's the story ...

We were standing at the cemetery on the Katy Freeway at Eldridge Parkway about 1:00pm (March 17, 2010) and I hear the sputter of a prop engine ... several engines ... and I look skyward to see the Colling Foundation's B-17 flying over us at about 350 feet. It was close enough to see the decals and numbers. It's one of only 14 still flying.

A few moments later I caught the notes of another prop plane ... this one much stronger ... and here came the B-24J. It's the only one of its kind still flying.

Now, several of us were talking about airplanes and were looking skyward with anticipation. It didn't take long. We could hear the scream and strain of the P-51 Mustang coming at us. Wow ... what power!!! It gave us all chills and brought smiles to our faces as it zoomed by.

As we were preparing the leave, I head the soft "thump ... thump ... thump" and had to take a deep breath to catch myself. I knew what was coming ... a Bell UH-1 Huey. It was very similar to one Craig was in when he was shot down 29 years ago today. I could feel my lips tighten and I just shook my head and watched it come at me. I let out a huge sigh as it flew past.

Wow! Just ... so ... surreal.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Remembering Craig M Dix, MIA 3-17-71

When I was a freshman in High School, I received my Eagle Scout award in February (1971). Just a few weeks later, Craig Mitchell Dix of Livonia was shot down in Cambodia on St. Patrick’s Day.

I came to know the Dix family over the next several years with a number of trips to their home off Six Mile Road. I did interviews with family members and friends finding out what I could about Craig … his hobbies, his skills, his plans. I made a number of speeches on behalf of the soldiers who were MIA in Southeast Asia. I wore Craig’s POW-MIA bracelet for a number of years and still keep it on my desk.

Whenever one of the mini traveling "walls" would come to the Houston area, I would go visit. I knew Craig’s name would be there, along with three other crew members, on panel 4West, Line 54. That’s where you’ll find the group of guys who all were killed or listed as MIA on St. Patrick’s Day 1971. The mini wall is certainly that - smaller, and it’s easier, I found, to view and review.

On November 17, 2007, I made my first trip to “The Wall” in Washington D.C. I didn’t know what to expect, but found myself with way more emotion that I ever expected. To see the actual wall and sink into the ravine that holds the names as you pass panel by panel, you can just feel yourself getting quieter and tuning out the noise around you. I didn’t spend anywhere near the time I had planned … to observe, reflect, or contemplate. I did get a chance to touch Craig’s name and I made a memorial rubbing, courtesy of the US Parks Service.

Although Craig wasn’t officially declared dead until October 27, 1978, March 17 is still the date that I feel is “official” and remember him every year on this date.

Here is the POW Network synopsis … all words are theirs ...

On March 17, 1971, Capt. David P. Schweitzer, pilot and 1Lt. Lawrence E. Lilly, co-pilot, comprised the crew of an AH1G helicopter (serial #69-17935) conducting a visual reconnaissance mission. As the aircraft was near a landing zone at grid coordinates XU488458, it was hit by enemy fire of the F-21B Infantry Regiment, 5th Viet Cong Division and forced to the ground. The LZ was deep inside Cambodia in the Snuol District of Kracheh (Kratie) Province, near Seang Village.

Rescue efforts were successful in extracting Capt. Schweitzer, but due to heavy enemy fire, they were forced to leave the area before Lilly could be extracted. Lt. Lilly was last seen by U.S. personnel lying on his back with his shirt partially open and blood on his chest and neck. He was observed being fired upon by Viet Cong forces. In mid-April 1971, a report described two U.S. personnel onboard a helicopter shot down in this region getting out of the helicopter and climbing a tree, and firing upon enemy forces. One of the crewmen was shot to death, and the other was captured by Viet Cong soldiers of the 6th Company, 2nd Battalion, F21B Infantry Regiment. The report continued that both crewmen were caucasian and had light complexions. The source described the POW and said that he was later told that the dead airman had been cremated by Cambodian villagers who had come to salvage parts from the aircraft. Joint Casualty Resolution Center (JCRC) evaluated the report and concluded that it could possibly relate either to Lilly’s incident or another the same day at the same location. The other incident related to a UH1H helicopter flown by WO1 James H. Hestand and carrying CW2 Richard L. Bauman; SP4 Craig M. Dix; and SP4 Bobby G. Harris. The aircraft was shot down near Snuol. A medivac chopper lowered a jungle penetrator to men seen on the ground through triple canopy jungle, but was forced to leave the area due to enemy fire and low fuel.

Five ARVN were captured in the same operation and were told by Viet Cong guards that three chopper crew members had just been captured. One was killed in the crash, one was shot in the leg (ankle) trying to escape. The wounded crewmember and two others were finally captured.

James Hestand was captured and was released in 1973. In his debriefing, he reported that Craig Dix was the one who had been shot in the upper right ankle. Hestand stated that Dix was ambulatory and evading capture at the time of his own capture. Hestand also stated that, when last seen, CW2 Bauman was alive, in good condition, and was hiding with Dix. Hestand said that he had seen the body of Harris, whom he believed to be dead because of throat lacerations and a discoloration of his body. Harris had been thrown from the aircraft. Hestand was separated from the others when he was captured, and had no further information on Dix, Bauman or Harris. Defense Department notes indicate that Harris was killed in the crash. Defense Department notes indicate that some intelligence say that Bauman, Dix and Harris are dead, yet other intelligence reports placed Dix in a Cambodian hospital after having been captured, and according to Hestand, the two were alive and well the last time he saw them.

An ARVN ground unit entered the battle area to try to rescue Lilly, but found him dead. The unit came under heavy fire, and in the course of the battle, the body was lost to the enemy. Lilly’s remains were never recovered.

In 1988, the Cambodian government announced that it had the remains of a number of American servicemen it wished to return to the United States. The U.S. did not respond officially, however, because there are no diplomatic ties between Cambodia and the U.S. Several U.S. Congressmen have attempted to intervene and recover the remains on behalf of American family members, but Cambodia wishes an official overture. Meanwhile, the bodies of Americans remain in the hands of our former enemy.

Even more tragically, evidence mounts that many Americans are still alive in Southeast Asia, still prisoners from a war many have long forgotten. It is a matter of pride in the armed forces that one’s comrades are never left behind. One can imagine any of the men lost in Cambodia on March 17, 1971, being willing to go on one more mission for the freedom of those heroes we left behind.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Not mine ... but just had to share ... too funny ...

1. Law of Mechanical Repair -
After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee.

2. Law of Gravity -
Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped,
will roll to the least accessible corner.

3. Law of Probability -
The probability of being watched is directly
proportional to the stupidity of your act.

4. Law of Random Numbers -
If you dial a wrong number, you never
get a busy signal and someone always answers.

5. Law of the Alibi -
If you tell the boss you were late for
work because you had a flat tire, the very
next morning you will have a flat tire.

6. Variation Law -
If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the
one you were in will always move faster
than the one you are in now (works every time).

7. Law of the Bath -
When the body is fully immersed in water,
the telephone rings.

8. Law of Close Encounters -
The probability of meeting someone
you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you
don't want to be seen with.

9. Law of the Result -
When you try to prove to someone that
a machine won't work, it will....

10. Law of Biomechanics -
The severity of the itch is inversely
proportional to the reach.

11. Law of the Theater and Hockey Arena -
At any event, the people whose seats are
furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are
the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer,
or the toilet and who leave early before the end of the
performance or the game is over. The
folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs
or big bellies, and stay to the bitter end of the performance.
The aisle people also are very surly folk.

12. The Coffee Law -
As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot
coffee, your boss will ask you to do
something which will last
until the coffee is cold.

13. Murphy's Law of Lockers -
If there are only two people in a
locker room, they will have adjacent lockers.

14. Law of Physical Surfaces -
The chances of an open-faced jam
sandwich landing face down on a floor, are directly
correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug.

15. Law of Logical Argument -
Anything is possible if you don't
know what you are talking about.

16. Brown's Law of Physical Appearance -
If the clothes fit, they're ugly.

17. Oliver's Law of Public Speaking -
A closed mouth gathers no feet.

18.. Wilson's Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy -
As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop
making it.

19. Doctors' Law -
If you don't feel well, make an appointment
to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you'll feel better.

Spring Break Day 3

Yeah ... what happened to day one and two???

From Facebook ...

it's the first day of spring break so why am I up at 6:00am ...???

today's agenda ... bike ride (done) ... breakfast (on the blog in a bit - so weird, but tasty and done) ... recycle center (they'll pay me in $2 bills!) ... St Patty's Day Parade (downtown) ... SHSU vs SFA for a berth in the Big Dance (Merrell Center, Katy) ... visiting the guys at No Label (since I'm in Katy) ... and for dinner - this lil ol burger place! Day one of Spring Break 2010

Spring Break - day two ... up before the sun ... trying to figure out which clocks changed automatically and which ones I need to change. Dynamo play in Austin at 5pm. Who wants to make the road trip???? Race note - no NASCAR but F/1 and IRL both start today!

Day three - FINALLLLLLLLY slept in. Got in late from Austin following the Dynamo.

Today is Neal Scott's birthday - made it to official AARP age!!! Congrats! We've shared a lot of great memories and made history together for the past 33 years ... here's to another 33!

Allergies kicking in ... arrgh. Sore throat, itchy eyes, runny nose, cough ... yeah ... phhht.

Food tip of the day .. when cooking mussels or clams, soak them in a gallon of water with 2 tablespons of salt and 1 tablespoon of cornmeal. That way, they'll take in the corn meal and toss out the sand BEFORE you cook (or, if using raw - serve) them.

Carolyn is in California still ... IDK what or where .. aren't YOU following her on FB ... ??? She gets home on Wednesday and she and Julie do the Black Eyed Peas on Thursday. happy Birthday Julie! #20!!!

Elizabeth heads off to Greece today. Safe travels!

Cleaning the garage and the laundry room!!! Mow the yard (thanks for the extra hour of daylight). Am I ever gonna get the driveway fixed?? Who has a box blade, tractor, tiller????? help me oput and I'll feed oyu and pay you!!!!

Identified some SHSU friends and brothers and little sisters in some pix. Misidentified Suzie Neff as Kim Patrick. In my defense ... low light, old pix, and similar tan lines. Not saying nutthin else!

Plans for the rest of the week ... photo shoots ... any kind of pix ... hit me up. I have this great old house on Minonnite Road in the trees.

Wednesday night, doing a photo shoot at Big Texas in Spring (and how exactly do I come across these gigs?) for a "friend" on Twitter. Well, friend of a friend of a friend.

Thursday - the wild side says going to Nawlins to see SHSU beat Baylor in the NCAA first round. Okay, I really don't think they'll beat them, but we gotta go with Bearkat pride versus the Bears. Sports note - SHSU and Baylor will meet on the football field this fall in Waco. The practical side side says gather up a group of Bearkat fans and head to BWW or a friends house and cheer them on! All games are on

Weighed in this morning at the lowest weight I can remember weighing in five or six years. The weight loss is now 34.4 pounds ... and 8.4 pounds in the "the contest."

Have been told to go buy a NEW pair of blue jeans in the NEW lower size!

That also means the spinach diet is working! And this week ... all kinds of fish on sale and on the menu. However, corned beef and cabbage for Wednesday - St Patrick's Day.

As always ... thanks for reading this far. Hugggz and chuckles!!!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

BBQ Nachos in Illinois

My dad introduced me to home made potato chips many years ago. And while Frito Lay and numerous regional and craft brands have tried them on a mass market basis, none can compare to dad's. I thought of them this past summer in Cahokia, IL ... just across the river from St Louis

The Sawmill BBQ has what that called "BBQ Nachos"

Now, being from Texas, I'm thinking the base has corn chips (or tortillas) ... but, no, a layer of crispy home-made potato chips. Not too thick, not too thin, and not greasy! These were spread on a 9-inch pie plate.

Next was a layer of two types of cheese, cheddar and mozzarella ... I guess that's why they called them "nachos."

but where was the BBQ?

Well, on top of that was a layer of their BBQ beans, THEN a layer of their chopped BBQ Brisket. Now, I'd told the good folks at Sawmill that I was from Texas and the gave me some samples of their brisket and sausage (my favorite) to taste. I must say they compared to any BBQ place in Texas ... good smoke flavor (hickory), moist, and tender. The pit master said he liked hickory because it didn't burn as hot as mesquite and didn't tend to dry out the meat while still giving a great flavor.

wait ... the plate wasn't finished.

on top of the BBQ was a dollop of cole slaw. Now I don't know what a dollop is in your kitchen, but this was a good sized serving. I'd asked if the cole slaw was home made or out of the SYSCO bucket. The Sawmill said they buy the cabbage already cut up, but they mix salad dressing and other ingredients in their kitchen according to an old family recipe every day. It was wet and creamy.

The plate was $6.99.

The Sawmill has three types of BBQ sauce ... sweet, mustard, and hot. You have all you need to put on your plate as you eat through the layers. I liked the mustard and the sweet because it's different. Hot was just spicy enough to be tangy on the tongue but not hot enough to hurt your taste buds ... it was quenched by a bite of the cole slaw.

Below is where I stopped eating. The folks gave me some more chopped beef and sauce to go for seconds and the rest of my trip.

I would have liked to have come back for different meats, but my schedule didn't allow. And with all the places to eat in St Louis, I'm not sure when I can go there again ... because the next time I cross the Mississippi, I'm going to to that old timey hamburger place.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Random thoughts

I only posted one entry in February? Wow ... it was a shorter month than I thought. LOL

Okay .. let's see how we can do in March!

Taught History for one week, science for this week (they have the wrong Rine sibling in the classroom this week - but good luck kids!!!). I like knowing what I'm doing and who's coming to class everyday. I have choir and band in my rotation for the next few weeks as well.

What a great Olympics. Good to see the US and Canada win, although I would have liked to have seen 3 more US Golds ... men's hockey, women's hockey, speed skating. Oh well. Nordic Combined medals for the US, plus Bode Miller and Lindsey Vonn winning. I could go on ...

Topic on the sports talk shows ... hey guys, how about those Canadian women hockey players??? Those are the PERFECT girlfriends ... they drink beer, smoke cigars, and play a contact sport!!! whoo hooooo!!!

Went for a photo shoot Sunday morning with the new telephoto lens. The thrill was watching hawks fly and hearing them screech in the beautiful 60 degree sunshine. The sadness was seeing two raccoons on the shoulder of the road ... mates both hit by a vehicle.

Racing came back this month. Jimmie Johnson has won two races and Kevin Harvick leads in points. Two new babies (Sadler and Edwards) and three more on the way (Johnson's first, Gordon's second and Montoya's third bambino ... all due around June). Hoping to get to Forth Worth in April.

March 14 - Formula One and IRL season starts ... but it's still 90 days to the Indy 500 ... but only 58 until time trials start.

Lynn Wiles was born Feb 29 and celebrates his birthday on March 1 in non-Leap years ... Happy birthday. My special birthdays in March, besides my parents, include Kathy, Neal, Rich and Lloyd.

Carolyn's friend Dave comes to visit on Saturday for a few days. Hope it's not too much of a culture shock coming from Farmington Hills to the cotton fields! Carolyn heads off again for a Spring Break trip.

Tuesday, March 2 ... Texas Independence Day and Sam Houston's Birthday. I can hear Ron Stone's voice giving us Texas facts and Ray Miller taking us on a tour of Washington-on-the Brazos. I miss both of them.

Tuesday, March 2 ... Primary Election Day. Go vote or don't gripe. Plenty of choices on BOTH sides.

The Dynamo have a free event this coming Sunday (3/7) ... a practice game (pre season friendly they call them) versus the Austin Aztec. I'll be there doing brunch on the grill for tail gating. Come join me Sunday morning??? First touch is at 1:00pm so tailgating starts MUCH earlier and we'll reconvene after the game and autographs. Keep in touch via FB, twitter, phone, text, email ... however it is YOU communicate with me.

Weighed this morning ... down a half pound for the week, m'dear (and you know WHO you are m'dear!). That means I've lost 7 pounds since we began keeping score and 33 over all! Pressure's on, babe! But in the end, we are BOTH winners! I haven't eaten all that well but continue with portion control so that's helping.

A friend at another school is doing a Biggest Loser challenge. Winner there gets $1,000 and two others get $500 each based on pounds and percentage. Dang. All I'm getting are new clothes!!! Seriously - I have bought three new pairs of pants and am wearing blue jeans that I haven't worn since 2004-05.

Bad news is I've added another medicine to my diabetes control. That's number three as blood sugar got waaaaaay out of whack in the Fall. The diet and exercise are helping ... but the meds will help more. Doctor was very proud of the weight loss but I have to go back this month for another check-up.

The bell rings and the day ... and month ... begin!

Let's be careful out there!!!!

Hugggz to the ladies ... ^5's to the guys!

Thanks for reading March post #1.