Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weight Loss 2010

This started out in December. I can recall the moment I was standing in class and my mouth went so dry my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. Th Th Th Th … I said

I couldn’t swallow. I panicked! I drank some water, and in 30 minutes HAD to go to the bathroom (like watch the clock for the bell to ring and RUN there pushing kids out of the way!). And thus the routine began. Drink. Pee. Drink. Pee. You could set your clock by it. It led to some less than restful nights, some emergency stops to find a bathroom when traveling (or a tree!), and finally, a trip to the doctor.

My blood sugar had gotten way outta whack. It was my fault. I had run out of blood test strips sometime back in the summer. I was watching what I ate (yeah, watching it go under my nose and into my mouth), but OBVIOUSLY not as well as I should have.

Going to the doctor got me on a second diabetes medicine (Metformin, in addition to my Actos). It also got me that “come to Jesus” talk from Dr. Henry Mata. “Eat right, Michael, get some exercise, or you’re going to be on insulin,” he said. “besides, lose that weight and you’ll probably lose a prescription or two.”

In that short speech, Dr. Mata addressed two things that scare and motivate me - needles and money!

I didn’t give blood for years because of needles. I was shamed into it when my wife was pregnant. I’ve been a regular and faithful donor since 1989, but it’s not that I “like” it. I much more enjoy the shirts, food, gifts, and self-satisfaction.

Money? I can break every monetary saving into some positive. A few pennies and soon it will be a Happy Meal (that’s was my mantra to Carolyn many years ago). Two prescriptions a month translates in about $500 a year. So in 3 years it’s that $1,500 professional telephoto lens I soooooo want for my camera. Or it’s a new lens every year, and lights, and backdrops, and … yeah … savings translates into a goal!

So I went on the diet. Zero carbs and sugar – as best as I could (I’ve cheated a few times but I haven’t consumed a full pizza in the past 8 weeks). It’s South Beach, Phase I. Doing the South Beach Diet in Richmond, TX isn’t nearly as much fun as doing it in South Beach, Florida!!!

The “diet” was not that tough (I can say looking back). “If it’s white, it ain’t right” was the main thing, so NO bread, pasta, sugar, salt, rice – if it was white. There are no fruits in the first part, just lots of lean meats and veggies. Which begs the question, what do you eat for breakfast??? I could have ½ a cup of vegetables. Ummm – say what??? Veggies??? I want fruit! Some cereal!!!! Well, an omelet with spinach, mushrooms and onions makes do, and is incredibly filling. Some V-8 juice helps. I alternate with lean meats like chicken and fish (I lovvvvve fish!!!)

So, getting rid of whites hasn’t been a problem. I miss orange juice and milk, though. Some of that comes back in Phase II and Phase III, as do whole grain versions of the “white” foods – brown rice, whole wheat pasta, multi-grain breads.

That old Texas adage “it ain’t braggin’ if it’s true” goes here … the scale tells the tale!

That led to my Facebook posting on February 3 … and these replies – with comments.

Only .4 of a pound away from goal #1 (losing exactly 30 pounds in 7 weeks) ... goals #2 and #3 and #4 will be harder (more numbers for 2&3, keeping it off at #4!!!)!!! Have a Wonderful Wednesday!

Jay Japka and Marlene Squire like this.

Jay is a triathlete and NY Yankee fan. He’s a year or two older than me, a camera guy, small business owner, and father to an only daughter. Lots of things in common there.

Marlene and I went to WMHS together. She sang in the choir. She now lives in Ocala, FL about 30 miles from my parents.

Thanks for the “likes” y'all.

Kathy Lilly Johnson … 30 pounds in 7 weeks. That's great. Share how. I would love it. Dang would be Rockin' by my birthday.

Kathy is a friend form HS. She shares my dad’s birth date so I’ll never forget hers. She is one of the 10 people to ever cut my hair and still my favorite one.

Well, Kathy, my tips are above – lots of chicken and fish and no bread or sugars. And babe, you’re always rockin’ in my book!

Lee Elliott Welser …18 lbs in a little over a year and 22 lbs to go is the best I can say, but you probably have some good tips...put it on your next blog to help the rest of us?

Lee and I went to college together at SHSU and we have just re-connected via Facebook. We’ve been messaging and chatting – catching up and remembering. She, too, has a blog on Blogspot and she’s quite entertaining there. The mom of three kids, we can relate with later in life career changes.

Good luck on your weight loss as well, although you and your daughter look more like “sisters” in one photo. I’m an eyes and smile guy, not so much into boobs and butts.

Johnny BigBeer Rojas … Why to go Mike! Something I do, is stay away from the sauces and dairy products. Salad dressing; BBQ sauce; gravy; butter (my hardest); milk. Substitute sauces use Mrs. Dash; for butter- Molly McButter; for milk- water, or just eat the cereal dry. Stay focused!

Johnny is a friend and business partner. We have done a lot of creative work together … and we share some guy secrets! He’s the most creative guy I know and his talents continually amaze me! He forces me to be better in pix and graphic designs! He also has a body I admire, but I know he gets it from hard work through the years in the weight room and with diet. His house is a great show case of his designs, and he has the coolest guy’s bathroom ever!

The number one no no on South Beach is KETCHUP! I’ve avoided that and other sauces. Yes, butter and other dairy products are hard to do without, but for me it’s been bread. What do you eat for breakfast??? Eating cereal dry is not a problem, but I do miss milk. I’ve been drinking more water and the meds are keeping me out of the bathroom. I have to figure my work with St. Arnold into the mix, though.

Donnagail Rine Carr … Way to go -- but you need to slow it down for the next phase to 2-3 pounds per week. As you lose more your body will be like "what the ??? I'm starving!!! Gotta conserve mass" and if your expectations aren't realistic you'll either get discouraged or do something extreme either of which will derail you.

Donnagail Rine Carr … Start doing pushups.

Donnagail Rine Carr … Remember that there's a graduation/confirmation party at my place in June. With a pool. We should both look totally hot (for old people) by then!

So here’s my favorite sister, finally on Facebook. Okay – ONLY sister, but none the less … LOL She can make me laugh harder than anyone (including Jay Leno). She is a fantastic cook and mother. When I accidentally smacked her in the face as we were goofing around as kids, she said those four immortal words that have allowed me to continue breathing … “let’s not tell dad.” She’s me medical expert, advisor, and confidant.

I’ve added some serious walking to my routine. It’s great to have a quarter-mile long hallway at school and a second level as well. I’m doing stairs, but yes, I’ve gotta start push-ups and some weights and other cardio. I’ve been invited to yoga classes with several teachers. I keep seeing losses although I’ve never been a scale watcher. I’m thrilled. Even tenths of a pound are okay with me. I’m not going to strive for a Michael Phelps Speedo for June, but I’m pretty sure I’ll be in better shape this year than last.

Okay … there you are. Updates, connections and motivation!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Mike...I have to say that I am quite impressed, 30 lbs in 7 weeks! My diet style it different since I know all too well through the years what my food weaknesses are. I love carbs!!! So giving them up will only set me up for failure. My loss rate is much slower,though I would like to pick up a little speed before landing in Houston in April. Speedo huh?
